How to limit the type of the file

Last updated on 14-Jul-2024 00:42 in Uploadfly » How To
Posted ByI Make Custom

Uploadfly default allows any file to be uploaded, but you can limit the file types. For example, to restrict uploads to only image files, go to the "Products" menu, select a product, and choose the "upload option" button.

Now click on the "Allowed File" box and choose the file types you want to allow for upload, such as images, zips, documents, videos, or audio. after the images option is selected you can save the setting and view the product to test it, it will only allow images file.

If there are file extensions that are not available you can input the type of the extension by yourself. go to the "Setting" menu and select the "Advance setting" button

Inside the "Adance Setting" button we can input the file extension we need to be allowed for the customer.

Please specify the file category and enter the name without a dot or using dot. After inputting the name, press space. Then save the settings, and that type of file will be allowed for your customer automatically.

** The time is base on America/New_York timezone